Tune in to all the trends.
What will matter in 2023? We have a few thoughts. But don't take *our* word for it. We've curated 50 reports, summarized 400+ trends and synthesized major themes using OpenAI's GPT3.
What will matter in 2023? We have a few thoughts. But don't take *our* word for it. We've curated 50 reports, summarized 400+ trends and synthesized major themes using OpenAI's GPT3.
Check out these key...keywords for 2023!
- accessibility
- advertising
- aesthetics
- aging
- AI beauty
- AI fashion
- alcohol
- anxiety
- apps
- artificial intelligence
- augmented reality
- authenticity
- authoritarianism
- avatars
- banking
- beauty standards
- BeReal
- betting
- biodegradable
- body image
- brand promise
- brick and mortar
- budgeting
- carbon footprint
- children
- circular economy
- climate change
- clothing
- collaboration
- communities
- construction
- consumer attitudes
- consumer habits
- consumer protection
- content
- cookies
- cooking
- cosmetics
- cost-of-living
- couriers
- COVID-19
- creator economy
- culinary experiences
- culture
- customer service
- data
- data privacy
- deepfake
- design
- digital assets
- digital detox
- digital footprint
- digital literacy
- digital media
- dining
- disruption
- diversity
- drink
- e-commerce
- eco-friendly
- emerging tech
- employee retention
- entertainment
- environmentalism
- +116