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Short Trend Summary
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes. Mid-tier brands Macy’s and Kohl’s reported soft sales Meanwhile, discount and dollar stores are seeing…
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands & Brands & Advertising Face Uphill Battle- Brands & Advertising
- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes. Mid-tier brands Macy’s and Kohl’s reported soft sales Meanwhile, discount and dollar stores are seeing increases in foot traffic and growing their fleet. On the…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands & Brands &...
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes.… -
Short Trend Summary
Retail Media Is Ready to Disrupt the $70 Billion Linear TV Ad Market. Retail media moves aggressively into streaming TV; off-site retail media ad spend growth will more than double on-site. Amazon Thursday Night Football advances down the field. Prime…
Retail Media- Brands & Advertising
- Digital Platforms
- Media & Information
Retail Media Is Ready to Disrupt the $70 Billion Linear TV Ad Market. Retail media moves aggressively into streaming TV; off-site retail media ad spend growth will more than double on-site. Amazon Thursday Night Football advances down the field. Prime Video will host the first Black Friday NFL game in…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023Retail Media
Retail Media Is Ready to Disrupt the $70 Billion Linear TV Ad Market. Retail media moves aggressively into streaming TV; off-site retail media ad spend… -
Short Trend Summary
Profitability Requirements Puts Pressure on Brands’ Business Models. Sales strategies mixing direct-to-consumer with wholesale channels online and offline will prevail. Increase (wholesale) distribution: Along with creating wider reach, increased distribution points spreads inventory liability. Increase scope: Brands can no longer…
Profitability Requirements- Brands & Advertising
- Business & e-Commerce
- Sustainability
Profitability Requirements Puts Pressure on Brands’ Business Models. Sales strategies mixing direct-to-consumer with wholesale channels online and offline will prevail. Increase (wholesale) distribution: Along with creating wider reach, increased distribution points spreads inventory liability. Increase scope: Brands can no longer focus only on the core product or originally intended consumer.…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023Profitability Requirements
Profitability Requirements Puts Pressure on Brands’ Business Models. Sales strategies mixing direct-to-consumer with wholesale channels online and offline will prevail. Increase (wholesale) distribution: Along with… -
Short Trend Summary
IoT Opens Doors For Commerce. Newly seamless connections arrive. Smart home IoT gets integrated with Matter, which integrates devices and ties them to virtual assistants. Embedded car systems become more common, making payments easier. Click-to-buy comes to your TV with…
IoT Opens Doors For Commerce- Business & e-Commerce
- Digital Platforms
- Emerging Technology
IoT Opens Doors For Commerce. Newly seamless connections arrive. Smart home IoT gets integrated with Matter, which integrates devices and ties them to virtual assistants. Embedded car systems become more common, making payments easier. Click-to-buy comes to your TV with shoppable ad formats. QR codes and visual search create new…
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eMarketer - Tech Trends 2023IoT Opens Doors For Commerce
IoT Opens Doors For Commerce. Newly seamless connections arrive. Smart home IoT gets integrated with Matter, which integrates devices and ties them to virtual assistants.… -
Short Trend Summary
As hype subsides, Web3 gets to work for loyalty. Hype overshadowed real advances in Web3. Although cryptocurrencies and NFTs went through a boom-bust cycle, blockchain technologies can enable assets that are easily activated and controlled by individuals. Web3 can provide…
As hype subsides, Web3 gets to work for loyalty.- Business & e-Commerce
- Digital Platforms
- Emerging Technology
As hype subsides, Web3 gets to work for loyalty. Hype overshadowed real advances in Web3. Although cryptocurrencies and NFTs went through a boom-bust cycle, blockchain technologies can enable assets that are easily activated and controlled by individuals. Web3 can provide benefits for loyalty programs, including: Individual ownership of rewards. New…
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eMarketer - Tech Trends 2025As hype subsides, Web3 gets to work for loyalty.
As hype subsides, Web3 gets to work for loyalty. Hype overshadowed real advances in Web3. Although cryptocurrencies and NFTs went through a boom-bust cycle, blockchain… -
Short Trend Summary
Blockchain Diet. Blockchain technology is one of the current drivers of change - repeated, lasting and consistent phenomena that we observe in the external environment in the present with the potential to change the future. For food, digital security technology…
Blockchain Diet- Emerging Technology
- Global Challenges
- Sustainability
Blockchain Diet. Blockchain technology is one of the current drivers of change - repeated, lasting and consistent phenomena that we observe in the external environment in the present with the potential to change the future. For food, digital security technology has the potential to transform some aspects of the global…
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CRFC - The Future of...Blockchain Diet
Blockchain Diet. Blockchain technology is one of the current drivers of change - repeated, lasting and consistent phenomena that we observe in the external environment… -
Short Trend Summary
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock are expanding return options to include at-home pickup and click-and-collect return options. At the same…
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
- Sustainability
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock are expanding return options to include at-home pickup and click-and-collect return options. At the same time, many retailers have ended free return policies. Will this…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock… -
Short Trend Summary
Finding credibility in online communities. Online communities are more powerful than ever, and they offer brands an opportunity to connect with their consumers. By understanding the different types of communities - value-based, experience-based, and interest-based - brands can add value…
Finding credibility in online communities- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- Digital Platforms
Finding credibility in online communities. Online communities are more powerful than ever, and they offer brands an opportunity to connect with their consumers. By understanding the different types of communities - value-based, experience-based, and interest-based - brands can add value and personalize their communications in 2023. The potential for how…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...Finding credibility in online communities
Finding credibility in online communities. Online communities are more powerful than ever, and they offer brands an opportunity to connect with their consumers. By understanding… -
Short Trend Summary
‘Try it on(line)’. The use of AI and AR in the retail industry is poised to grow, with nearly 20% of retailers using AR and a further 32% are either planning to implement the technology in 2023. It is transforming…
Try it on(line)- Business & e-Commerce
- Digital Platforms
- Emerging Technology
‘Try it on(line)’. The use of AI and AR in the retail industry is poised to grow, with nearly 20% of retailers using AR and a further 32% are either planning to implement the technology in 2023. It is transforming the customer experience both online and offline. An example of…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...Try it on(line)
‘Try it on(line)’. The use of AI and AR in the retail industry is poised to grow, with nearly 20% of retailers using AR and… -
Short Trend Summary
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the at-home experience or "premiumise" a night in, while providing tangible savings and advice, which are…
The great retreat (indoors)- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- The Home
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the at-home experience or "premiumise" a night in, while providing tangible savings and advice, which are important to consumers. Brands should offer personalized rewards, exclusive offers,…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...The great retreat (indoors)
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the…