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Short Trend Summary
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes. Mid-tier brands Macy’s and Kohl’s reported soft sales Meanwhile, discount and dollar stores are seeing…
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands & Brands & Advertising Face Uphill Battle- Brands & Advertising
- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes. Mid-tier brands Macy’s and Kohl’s reported soft sales Meanwhile, discount and dollar stores are seeing increases in foot traffic and growing their fleet. On the…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands & Brands &...
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes.… -
Short Trend Summary
Profitability Requirements Puts Pressure on Brands’ Business Models. Sales strategies mixing direct-to-consumer with wholesale channels online and offline will prevail. Increase (wholesale) distribution: Along with creating wider reach, increased distribution points spreads inventory liability. Increase scope: Brands can no longer…
Profitability Requirements- Brands & Advertising
- Business & e-Commerce
- Sustainability
Profitability Requirements Puts Pressure on Brands’ Business Models. Sales strategies mixing direct-to-consumer with wholesale channels online and offline will prevail. Increase (wholesale) distribution: Along with creating wider reach, increased distribution points spreads inventory liability. Increase scope: Brands can no longer focus only on the core product or originally intended consumer.…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023Profitability Requirements
Profitability Requirements Puts Pressure on Brands’ Business Models. Sales strategies mixing direct-to-consumer with wholesale channels online and offline will prevail. Increase (wholesale) distribution: Along with… -
Short Trend Summary
Gaming Fashion. The fashion industry is gaming native. Burberry used gaming-streaming service Twitch to unveil their Spring/Summer catwalk, Balenciaga launched their Autumn/Winter collection in Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrow and Louis Vuitton created an exclusive range of character skins in…
Gaming Fashion- Brands & Advertising
- Fashion & Beauty
- Lifestyle
Gaming Fashion. The fashion industry is gaming native. Burberry used gaming-streaming service Twitch to unveil their Spring/Summer catwalk, Balenciaga launched their Autumn/Winter collection in Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrow and Louis Vuitton created an exclusive range of character skins in League of Legends to promote their new line. Gucci, Moschino,…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...Gaming Fashion
Gaming Fashion. The fashion industry is gaming native. Burberry used gaming-streaming service Twitch to unveil their Spring/Summer catwalk, Balenciaga launched their Autumn/Winter collection in Afterworld:… -
Short Trend Summary
Harnessing the power of TV moments. Brands that tap into TV's "essential viewing moments" become part of a shared cultural experience, generating chatter and social currency. Sports, reality TV, and dramas are sure-bet formats that spike viewer interest, and brands…
Harnessing the power of TV moments- Brands & Advertising
- Culture
- Entertainment
Harnessing the power of TV moments. Brands that tap into TV's "essential viewing moments" become part of a shared cultural experience, generating chatter and social currency. Sports, reality TV, and dramas are sure-bet formats that spike viewer interest, and brands can directly link up with a show or create product…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...Harnessing the power of TV moments
Harnessing the power of TV moments. Brands that tap into TV's "essential viewing moments" become part of a shared cultural experience, generating chatter and social… -
Short Trend Summary
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the at-home experience or "premiumise" a night in, while providing tangible savings and advice, which are…
The great retreat (indoors)- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- The Home
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the at-home experience or "premiumise" a night in, while providing tangible savings and advice, which are important to consumers. Brands should offer personalized rewards, exclusive offers,…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...The great retreat (indoors)
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the… -
Short Trend Summary
Masculinity, Rewired. Brands must adapt to a rapidly evolving concept of masculinity that requires a spectrum of male experiences. Brands should focus on modern marketing strategies that promote vulnerability, inclusivity, and good mental health. Understanding the nuanced and varied aspects…
Masculinity, Rewired- Brands & Advertising
- Culture
- Health & Wellness
Masculinity, Rewired. Brands must adapt to a rapidly evolving concept of masculinity that requires a spectrum of male experiences. Brands should focus on modern marketing strategies that promote vulnerability, inclusivity, and good mental health. Understanding the nuanced and varied aspects of masculinity, brands can better resonate with a diverse male…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...Masculinity, Rewired
Masculinity, Rewired. Brands must adapt to a rapidly evolving concept of masculinity that requires a spectrum of male experiences. Brands should focus on modern marketing… -
Short Trend Summary
Community-Built Ideals. TikTok's hyper-niche communities inspire users to make changes and connect with others who understand them, leading to new behaviors and mindsets. As a brand, tapping into specific communities and collaborating with relevant creators can help connect with viewers…
Community-Built Ideals- Consumer Attitudes
- Culture
- Lifestyle
Community-Built Ideals. TikTok's hyper-niche communities inspire users to make changes and connect with others who understand them, leading to new behaviors and mindsets. As a brand, tapping into specific communities and collaborating with relevant creators can help connect with viewers and spark authentic conversations. Teaching, being specific, and using polls…
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TikTok - An Era of...Community-Built Ideals
Community-Built Ideals. TikTok's hyper-niche communities inspire users to make changes and connect with others who understand them, leading to new behaviors and mindsets. As a… -
Short Trend Summary
Consumer Duality. Amid the challenging economic cycle, consumers worldwide are exhibiting predictable behaviors. Some are opting for store brands, as seen in a European McKinsey study where 62% of consumers have already done so or plan to. Meanwhile, the "lipstick…
Consumer Duality- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- Lifestyle
Consumer Duality. Amid the challenging economic cycle, consumers worldwide are exhibiting predictable behaviors. Some are opting for store brands, as seen in a European McKinsey study where 62% of consumers have already done so or plan to. Meanwhile, the "lipstick effect" also emerges, where consumers indulge in small luxuries when…
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WARC - The Marketer’s Toolkit...Consumer Duality
Consumer Duality. Amid the challenging economic cycle, consumers worldwide are exhibiting predictable behaviors. Some are opting for store brands, as seen in a European McKinsey… -
Short Trend Summary
Journeys Evolve. Another implication of Bubble-up Culture is that brands and journeys evolve. To tap into such effects, marketers may want to perceive a brand as a plural entity with different meanings for distinct audiences, but shared relevance for all…
Journeys Evolve- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- Culture
Journeys Evolve. Another implication of Bubble-up Culture is that brands and journeys evolve. To tap into such effects, marketers may want to perceive a brand as a plural entity with different meanings for distinct audiences, but shared relevance for all of them; They should draw bedrock insights from fans and…
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WARC - The Marketer’s Toolkit...Journeys Evolve
Journeys Evolve. Another implication of Bubble-up Culture is that brands and journeys evolve. To tap into such effects, marketers may want to perceive a brand… -
Short Trend Summary
Will Collaborate for Cookies. Brands are facing challenges in converting potential customers due to rising acquisition costs and declining ROAS, as well as tighter privacy regulations. To overcome these hurdles, they are turning to collaborations, such as brand-to-brand co-creation and…
Will Collaborate for Cookies- Brands & Advertising
- Business & e-Commerce
- Emerging Technology
Will Collaborate for Cookies. Brands are facing challenges in converting potential customers due to rising acquisition costs and declining ROAS, as well as tighter privacy regulations. To overcome these hurdles, they are turning to collaborations, such as brand-to-brand co-creation and influencer marketing. Influencer marketing saw a boost during the pandemic,…
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Shopify - Commerce Trends 2026Will Collaborate for Cookies
Will Collaborate for Cookies. Brands are facing challenges in converting potential customers due to rising acquisition costs and declining ROAS, as well as tighter privacy…