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Short Trend Summary
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes. Mid-tier brands Macy’s and Kohl’s reported soft sales Meanwhile, discount and dollar stores are seeing…
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands & Brands & Advertising Face Uphill Battle- Brands & Advertising
- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes. Mid-tier brands Macy’s and Kohl’s reported soft sales Meanwhile, discount and dollar stores are seeing increases in foot traffic and growing their fleet. On the…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands & Brands &...
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes.… -
Short Trend Summary
Profitability Requirements Puts Pressure on Brands’ Business Models. Sales strategies mixing direct-to-consumer with wholesale channels online and offline will prevail. Increase (wholesale) distribution: Along with creating wider reach, increased distribution points spreads inventory liability. Increase scope: Brands can no longer…
Profitability Requirements- Brands & Advertising
- Business & e-Commerce
- Sustainability
Profitability Requirements Puts Pressure on Brands’ Business Models. Sales strategies mixing direct-to-consumer with wholesale channels online and offline will prevail. Increase (wholesale) distribution: Along with creating wider reach, increased distribution points spreads inventory liability. Increase scope: Brands can no longer focus only on the core product or originally intended consumer.…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023Profitability Requirements
Profitability Requirements Puts Pressure on Brands’ Business Models. Sales strategies mixing direct-to-consumer with wholesale channels online and offline will prevail. Increase (wholesale) distribution: Along with… -
Short Trend Summary
Consumer Sentiment on Rebound. Consumer sentiment has rebounded slightly from June’s all-time low. University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index shows a 60% recovery from pre-covid lockdown levels.
Consumer Sentiment on Rebound- Consumer Attitudes
- Health & Wellness
- Travel
Consumer Sentiment on Rebound. Consumer sentiment has rebounded slightly from June’s all-time low. University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index shows a 60% recovery from pre-covid lockdown levels.
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The New Consumer - Consumer...Consumer Sentiment on Rebound
Consumer Sentiment on Rebound. Consumer sentiment has rebounded slightly from June’s all-time low. University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index shows a 60% recovery from pre-covid… -
Short Trend Summary
Encounters Not Channels. To create effective 360 media campaigns, brands need to focus on the encounter, or how they want consumers to feel at various points across the media ecosystem, instead of thinking by channel and medium. Thinking by media…
Encounters Not Channels- Brands & Advertising
- Digital Platforms
- Media & Information
Encounters Not Channels. To create effective 360 media campaigns, brands need to focus on the encounter, or how they want consumers to feel at various points across the media ecosystem, instead of thinking by channel and medium. Thinking by media encounter creates a more holistic and seamless media experience for…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...Encounters Not Channels
Encounters Not Channels. To create effective 360 media campaigns, brands need to focus on the encounter, or how they want consumers to feel at various… -
Short Trend Summary
The new age of anxiety. Anxiety is exploding due to a range of factors, making escapism and connection more important than ever. More than ever, brands should take cues from popular culture to provide distraction, lightness, and hope while driving…
The new age of anxiety- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- Entertainment
The new age of anxiety. Anxiety is exploding due to a range of factors, making escapism and connection more important than ever. More than ever, brands should take cues from popular culture to provide distraction, lightness, and hope while driving commercial growth. Successful campaigns in challenging times have leveraged humor…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...The new age of anxiety
The new age of anxiety. Anxiety is exploding due to a range of factors, making escapism and connection more important than ever. More than ever,… -
Short Trend Summary
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the at-home experience or "premiumise" a night in, while providing tangible savings and advice, which are…
The great retreat (indoors)- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- The Home
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the at-home experience or "premiumise" a night in, while providing tangible savings and advice, which are important to consumers. Brands should offer personalized rewards, exclusive offers,…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...The great retreat (indoors)
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the… -
Short Trend Summary
Masculinity, Rewired. Brands must adapt to a rapidly evolving concept of masculinity that requires a spectrum of male experiences. Brands should focus on modern marketing strategies that promote vulnerability, inclusivity, and good mental health. Understanding the nuanced and varied aspects…
Masculinity, Rewired- Brands & Advertising
- Culture
- Health & Wellness
Masculinity, Rewired. Brands must adapt to a rapidly evolving concept of masculinity that requires a spectrum of male experiences. Brands should focus on modern marketing strategies that promote vulnerability, inclusivity, and good mental health. Understanding the nuanced and varied aspects of masculinity, brands can better resonate with a diverse male…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...Masculinity, Rewired
Masculinity, Rewired. Brands must adapt to a rapidly evolving concept of masculinity that requires a spectrum of male experiences. Brands should focus on modern marketing… -
Short Trend Summary
TikTokCommerce. Gen Z’s Social Commerce Habits Are Shaped by Chinese Players. TikTok’s strong Gen Z appeal will fuel adoption of new shopping habits. TikTok gains ground as a platform for product discovery and search—#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt has nearly 32 billion video views…
TikTokCommerce- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
- Digital Platforms
TikTokCommerce. Gen Z’s Social Commerce Habits Are Shaped by Chinese Players. TikTok’s strong Gen Z appeal will fuel adoption of new shopping habits. TikTok gains ground as a platform for product discovery and search—#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt has nearly 32 billion video views to date. The US launch of TikTok Shop will bring…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023TikTokCommerce
TikTokCommerce. Gen Z’s Social Commerce Habits Are Shaped by Chinese Players. TikTok’s strong Gen Z appeal will fuel adoption of new shopping habits. TikTok gains… -
Short Trend Summary
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock are expanding return options to include at-home pickup and click-and-collect return options. At the same…
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
- Sustainability
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock are expanding return options to include at-home pickup and click-and-collect return options. At the same time, many retailers have ended free return policies. Will this…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock… -
Short Trend Summary
Who Doesn’t Like To Play? Gaming’s influence is broader than you think. A recent Statista report shows that the UK now boasts 46.7 million gamers. While it showed a slight male skew, it also highlighted that gaming penetration among females…
Who Doesn’t Like To Play?- Consumer Attitudes
- Entertainment
- Lifestyle
Who Doesn’t Like To Play? Gaming’s influence is broader than you think. A recent Statista report shows that the UK now boasts 46.7 million gamers. While it showed a slight male skew, it also highlighted that gaming penetration among females has now reached 56% (vs 63% male.) They’re a lot…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...Who Doesn’t Like To Play?
Who Doesn’t Like To Play? Gaming’s influence is broader than you think. A recent Statista report shows that the UK now boasts 46.7 million gamers.…