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Short Trend Summary
Gen Z is disrupting traditional education paths and opting for alternatives like apprenticeships for quick financial stability. The rise of edutainment, such as business podcasts, educational content creators, and gamified learning apps, is driven by Gen Z's demand for engaging…
Edutainment- Digital Platforms
- Emerging Technology
- Entertainment
Gen Z is disrupting traditional education paths and opting for alternatives like apprenticeships for quick financial stability. The rise of edutainment, such as business podcasts, educational content creators, and gamified learning apps, is driven by Gen Z's demand for engaging and easy-to-learn content. They are willing to use previously entertainment-only…
- N/A
MTM - 12 Trends of...Edutainment
Gen Z is disrupting traditional education paths and opting for alternatives like apprenticeships for quick financial stability. The rise of edutainment, such as business podcasts,… -
Short Trend Summary
Programs that are popular due to easy access, offering more immersive experiences than traditional online learning by brands and institutions creating virtual spaces for specialized education, educational programs and games.
Metaverse Learning- Digital Platforms
- Emerging Technology
- Entertainment
Programs that are popular due to easy access, offering more immersive experiences than traditional online learning by brands and institutions creating virtual spaces for specialized education, educational programs and games.
- N/A
TREND HUNTER - Trend Report...Metaverse Learning
Programs that are popular due to easy access, offering more immersive experiences than traditional online learning by brands and institutions creating virtual spaces for specialized…