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Short Trend Summary
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes. Mid-tier brands Macy’s and Kohl’s reported soft sales Meanwhile, discount and dollar stores are seeing…
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands & Brands & Advertising Face Uphill Battle- Brands & Advertising
- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes. Mid-tier brands Macy’s and Kohl’s reported soft sales Meanwhile, discount and dollar stores are seeing increases in foot traffic and growing their fleet. On the…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands & Brands &...
A Tale of Two Consumers: Mid-Tier Brands Face Uphill Battle. Brands and retailers that try to be everything to everyone will suffer as loyalty wanes.… -
Short Trend Summary
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the at-home experience or "premiumise" a night in, while providing tangible savings and advice, which are…
The great retreat (indoors)- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- The Home
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the at-home experience or "premiumise" a night in, while providing tangible savings and advice, which are important to consumers. Brands should offer personalized rewards, exclusive offers,…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...The great retreat (indoors)
The great retreat (indoors). With rising costs of living, consumers are cutting back on non-essential spending and retreating to their homes. Brands can enhance the… -
Short Trend Summary
TikTokCommerce. Gen Z’s Social Commerce Habits Are Shaped by Chinese Players. TikTok’s strong Gen Z appeal will fuel adoption of new shopping habits. TikTok gains ground as a platform for product discovery and search—#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt has nearly 32 billion video views…
TikTokCommerce- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
- Digital Platforms
TikTokCommerce. Gen Z’s Social Commerce Habits Are Shaped by Chinese Players. TikTok’s strong Gen Z appeal will fuel adoption of new shopping habits. TikTok gains ground as a platform for product discovery and search—#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt has nearly 32 billion video views to date. The US launch of TikTok Shop will bring…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023TikTokCommerce
TikTokCommerce. Gen Z’s Social Commerce Habits Are Shaped by Chinese Players. TikTok’s strong Gen Z appeal will fuel adoption of new shopping habits. TikTok gains… -
Short Trend Summary
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock are expanding return options to include at-home pickup and click-and-collect return options. At the same…
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
- Sustainability
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock are expanding return options to include at-home pickup and click-and-collect return options. At the same time, many retailers have ended free return policies. Will this…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock… -
Short Trend Summary
Consumer Duality. Amid the challenging economic cycle, consumers worldwide are exhibiting predictable behaviors. Some are opting for store brands, as seen in a European McKinsey study where 62% of consumers have already done so or plan to. Meanwhile, the "lipstick…
Consumer Duality- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- Lifestyle
Consumer Duality. Amid the challenging economic cycle, consumers worldwide are exhibiting predictable behaviors. Some are opting for store brands, as seen in a European McKinsey study where 62% of consumers have already done so or plan to. Meanwhile, the "lipstick effect" also emerges, where consumers indulge in small luxuries when…
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WARC - The Marketer’s Toolkit...Consumer Duality
Consumer Duality. Amid the challenging economic cycle, consumers worldwide are exhibiting predictable behaviors. Some are opting for store brands, as seen in a European McKinsey… -
Short Trend Summary
Yes and No: Social Commerce. Yes, some heat has come out of the digital commerce sector. Instagram’s scaling back of shopping features reveals that social commerce has not taken off at the expected speed. However, despite evidence that Western consumers…
Yes and No: Social Commerce- Business & e-Commerce
- Digital Platforms
- Emerging Technology
Yes and No: Social Commerce. Yes, some heat has come out of the digital commerce sector. Instagram’s scaling back of shopping features reveals that social commerce has not taken off at the expected speed. However, despite evidence that Western consumers reject the notion of Chinese-style ‘super-apps’, companies have not yet…
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WARC - The Marketer’s Toolkit...Yes and No: Social Commerce
Yes and No: Social Commerce. Yes, some heat has come out of the digital commerce sector. Instagram’s scaling back of shopping features reveals that social… -
Short Trend Summary
Economics Alter Brand Expectations. In today's economy, consumers have more options and are looking for better deals. Better deals can mean more than a better price as they also prioritize ethical and sustainable practices, leading to brand switching for product…
Economics Alter Brand Expectations- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- Sustainability
Economics Alter Brand Expectations. In today's economy, consumers have more options and are looking for better deals. Better deals can mean more than a better price as they also prioritize ethical and sustainable practices, leading to brand switching for product availability and convenience. Brands must prioritize improving customer experience, including…
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Shopify - Commerce Trends 2024Economics Alter Brand Expectations
Economics Alter Brand Expectations. In today's economy, consumers have more options and are looking for better deals. Better deals can mean more than a better… -
Short Trend Summary
Strategies to cut costs during inflation also raise customer loyalty. The global economy is facing challenges due to inflation, increased trade costs, and slower commerce growth. Brands and consumers are looking for ways to cut costs, with shoppers seeking cheaper…
Cutting Costs- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- Sustainability
Strategies to cut costs during inflation also raise customer loyalty. The global economy is facing challenges due to inflation, increased trade costs, and slower commerce growth. Brands and consumers are looking for ways to cut costs, with shoppers seeking cheaper options and some brands investing in customer loyalty through new…
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Shopify - Commerce Trends 2025Cutting Costs
Strategies to cut costs during inflation also raise customer loyalty. The global economy is facing challenges due to inflation, increased trade costs, and slower commerce… -
Short Trend Summary
Shrink Your Return Rates. Brands are losing $29 per customer due to an increase in returns, which is 20-30% of online purchases compared to 8-10% of in-store purchases. Minimizing returns can benefit both the customers and the business by reducing…
Shrink Your Return Rates- Brands & Advertising
- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
Shrink Your Return Rates. Brands are losing $29 per customer due to an increase in returns, which is 20-30% of online purchases compared to 8-10% of in-store purchases. Minimizing returns can benefit both the customers and the business by reducing waste and improving inventory management. Detailed product descriptions, customer reviews,…
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Shopify - Commerce Trends 2029Shrink Your Return Rates
Shrink Your Return Rates. Brands are losing $29 per customer due to an increase in returns, which is 20-30% of online purchases compared to 8-10%… -
Short Trend Summary
Economic Woes. The economic slowdown has forced brands to adapt to economic uncertainty, resulting in strategic pricing, timely discounts, new income streams, and cutting overhead costs. Customer loyalty is a key focus for 2023, with businesses investing in retention to…
Economic Woes- Brands & Advertising
- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
Economic Woes. The economic slowdown has forced brands to adapt to economic uncertainty, resulting in strategic pricing, timely discounts, new income streams, and cutting overhead costs. Customer loyalty is a key focus for 2023, with businesses investing in retention to build trust that can outlast a recession. However, the economic…
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Shopify - Commerce Trends 2030Economic Woes
Economic Woes. The economic slowdown has forced brands to adapt to economic uncertainty, resulting in strategic pricing, timely discounts, new income streams, and cutting overhead…