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Short Trend Summary
Reframing Economic Crisis As a Catalyst for Sustainability. The cost of living crisis is causing an intention-action gap in sustainable choices. Brands can address this by making sustainability a default feature and embracing innovative ownership models such as subscription or…
Reframing Economic Crisis As a Catalyst for Sustainability- Global Challenges
- Lifestyle
- Sustainability
Reframing Economic Crisis As a Catalyst for Sustainability. The cost of living crisis is causing an intention-action gap in sustainable choices. Brands can address this by making sustainability a default feature and embracing innovative ownership models such as subscription or rental services, as well as facilitating the secondary market for…
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Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends...Reframing Economic Crisis As a Catalyst for Sustainability
Reframing Economic Crisis As a Catalyst for Sustainability. The cost of living crisis is causing an intention-action gap in sustainable choices. Brands can address this… -
Short Trend Summary
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock are expanding return options to include at-home pickup and click-and-collect return options. At the same…
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty- Business & e-Commerce
- Consumer Attitudes
- Sustainability
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock are expanding return options to include at-home pickup and click-and-collect return options. At the same time, many retailers have ended free return policies. Will this…
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eMarketer - Retail Trends 2023Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty
Return Policies Make or Break Retail Loyalty. The reverse last mile will be a focal point in reducing friction around returns. Walmart, Target, and Overstock… -
Short Trend Summary
As COVID-19 has exacerbated financial challenges, many companies face a potential conflict between their financial needs and their environmental commitments. This is particularly true when it comes to offering affordable, eco-friendly products. To navigate this challenge, marketers should focus on…
Price vs. Planet. A False Dichotomy- Consumer Attitudes
- Global Challenges
- Sustainability
As COVID-19 has exacerbated financial challenges, many companies face a potential conflict between their financial needs and their environmental commitments. This is particularly true when it comes to offering affordable, eco-friendly products. To navigate this challenge, marketers should focus on incorporating eco-friendly values into affordable products, making it easier for…
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WARC - The Marketer’s Toolkit...Price vs. Planet. A False Dichotomy
As COVID-19 has exacerbated financial challenges, many companies face a potential conflict between their financial needs and their environmental commitments. This is particularly true when… -
Short Trend Summary
Doing Real Good. Sustainability is an overarching commitment that will inform every aspect of the CPG, and must be deeply embedded. Today’s piecemeal approach to investing in change does not meet the rapidly rising expectations of consumers, and often leads…
Doing Real Good- Brands & Advertising
- Global Challenges
- Sustainability
Doing Real Good. Sustainability is an overarching commitment that will inform every aspect of the CPG, and must be deeply embedded. Today’s piecemeal approach to investing in change does not meet the rapidly rising expectations of consumers, and often leads to accusations of greenwashing. Tomorrow’s leading companies will understand that…
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Accenture - A New Dawn...Doing Real Good
Doing Real Good. Sustainability is an overarching commitment that will inform every aspect of the CPG, and must be deeply embedded. Today’s piecemeal approach to… -
Short Trend Summary
Sustainability as Standard. In 2023 brands will increasingly prove that all things can have a sustainable angle. Sustainability is becoming the norm in all industries and there are no limits to what can be transformed to be more eco-friendly. Brands…
Sustainability as Standard- Brands & Advertising
- Emerging Technology
- Sustainability
Sustainability as Standard. In 2023 brands will increasingly prove that all things can have a sustainable angle. Sustainability is becoming the norm in all industries and there are no limits to what can be transformed to be more eco-friendly. Brands and businesses must dig deeper to find sustainable alternatives and…
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OMG FUTURES - At The...Sustainability as Standard
Sustainability as Standard. In 2023 brands will increasingly prove that all things can have a sustainable angle. Sustainability is becoming the norm in all industries… -
Short Trend Summary
Eye on Sustainability. Start 2023 with sustainable design choices that also look aesthetically pleasing. Opt for deep, monochrome colors and trending, readable fonts for online and offline projects; all of which can grow into gender-neutral and inclusive design solutions for…
Eye on Sustainability- Fashion & Beauty
- Global Challenges
- Sustainability
Eye on Sustainability. Start 2023 with sustainable design choices that also look aesthetically pleasing. Opt for deep, monochrome colors and trending, readable fonts for online and offline projects; all of which can grow into gender-neutral and inclusive design solutions for your brand.
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Depositphotos - Creative Trends ‘23Eye on Sustainability
Eye on Sustainability. Start 2023 with sustainable design choices that also look aesthetically pleasing. Opt for deep, monochrome colors and trending, readable fonts for online… -
Short Trend Summary
Scrappy Content. Scrappy content is content that is created quickly and cheaply, often with the help of user-generated content. In 2023, having cleared the pandemic restrictions, brands will continue to use scrappy content to reach their target audiences, as it…
Scrappy Content- Brands & Advertising
- Digital Platforms
- Emerging Technology
Scrappy Content. Scrappy content is content that is created quickly and cheaply, often with the help of user-generated content. In 2023, having cleared the pandemic restrictions, brands will continue to use scrappy content to reach their target audiences, as it is an effective way to create content that resonates with…
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BRAND WATCH - 2023 Digital...Scrappy Content
Scrappy Content. Scrappy content is content that is created quickly and cheaply, often with the help of user-generated content. In 2023, having cleared the pandemic… -
Short Trend Summary
Buying local will be a way consumers can protect themselves financially, environmentally and psychologically, and feel that they are giving back. Brands must respond by moving beyond just appealing to local tastes and linking localism with sustainability and transparency. This…
International Localism- Brands & Advertising
- Consumer Attitudes
- Sustainability
Buying local will be a way consumers can protect themselves financially, environmentally and psychologically, and feel that they are giving back. Brands must respond by moving beyond just appealing to local tastes and linking localism with sustainability and transparency. This will involve collaborations with local artists, re-evaluating supply chains, and…
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MINTEL - Global Consumer TrendsInternational Localism
Buying local will be a way consumers can protect themselves financially, environmentally and psychologically, and feel that they are giving back. Brands must respond by… -
Short Trend Summary
Sustainability has become a key focus for consumers and businesses alike, with increasing importance placed on environmental considerations and the search for sustainable options. This trend is seen to be transitioning from a niche market to a mainstream lifestyle, with…
Sustainability Mainstream- Consumer Attitudes
- Lifestyle
- Sustainability
Sustainability has become a key focus for consumers and businesses alike, with increasing importance placed on environmental considerations and the search for sustainable options. This trend is seen to be transitioning from a niche market to a mainstream lifestyle, with all consumers expected to align their values with their spending…
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FORERUNNER - The Dinner Party...Sustainability Mainstream
Sustainability has become a key focus for consumers and businesses alike, with increasing importance placed on environmental considerations and the search for sustainable options. This… -
Short Trend Summary
Designer brands try their hand at upcycling products and materials. Many luxury designers are making attempts to be more eco-friendly, and one of the ways they're doing this is through the increasingly common practice of using waste materials to create…
Upcycled Luxury- Brands & Advertising
- Fashion & Beauty
- Sustainability
Designer brands try their hand at upcycling products and materials. Many luxury designers are making attempts to be more eco-friendly, and one of the ways they're doing this is through the increasingly common practice of using waste materials to create new products. Making sustainable purchase decisions is increasingly important to…
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TREND HUNTER - Trend Report...Upcycled Luxury
Designer brands try their hand at upcycling products and materials. Many luxury designers are making attempts to be more eco-friendly, and one of the ways…