In a world where traditional broadcasters and streaming services compete for viewers' attention, it's becoming increasingly difficult for brands to cut through the noise. Brands that can tap into TV's "essential viewing moments" become part of a shared cultural experience that unites audiences across the nation. These moments generate chatter and become social currency, making them a valuable opportunity for brands to stay relevant.
TV moments can be unpredictable, but some genres such as sports, reality TV, and dramas are sure-bet formats that spike viewer interest. Brands can plan for the biggest moments to achieve scale and target smaller moments that resonate with their target audience to drive authenticity and relevance. Directly linking up with a show or creating product tie-ins and on-pack promotions are ways to dominate and own a moment, but it's essential to ensure creative is authentic and matches the mood and moment.
Media owners will create new ways for brands to target TV moments, including event-led advertising solutions across video on demand (VOD) and in-programme shoppable formats. To leverage this trend, brands should create "Brandgeist" by aligning with the zeitgeist and knowing their audience's passions and interests. Brands can also experiment with new shows that launch on VOD to get to the newest moments first and outsmart inflation by targeting moments in VOD or specific regional buys.
Harnessing the power of TV moments
Harnessing the power of TV moments. Brands that tap into TV's "essential viewing moments" become part of a shared cultural experience, generating chatter and social currency. Sports, reality TV, and dramas are sure-bet formats that spike viewer interest, and brands can directly link up with a show or create product tie-ins and on-pack promotions to dominate and own a moment. To leverage this trend, brands should align with the zeitgeist and experiment with new shows and event-led advertising solutions across VOD and in-programme shoppable formats.
This trend originates from the report:
Wavemaker UK - Growth Trends 2030
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