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Short Trend Summary
Child-targeted apps for building healthy habits are becoming more popular as parents use technology to enhance the skills and health of their children. These apps allow for hands-on parenting while reducing some of the strain involved.
Habbit-Building Kids’ Apps- Family & Parenting
- Health & Wellness
- Lifestyle
Child-targeted apps for building healthy habits are becoming more popular as parents use technology to enhance the skills and health of their children. These apps allow for hands-on parenting while reducing some of the strain involved.
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TREND HUNTER - Trend Report...Habbit-Building Kids’ Apps
Child-targeted apps for building healthy habits are becoming more popular as parents use technology to enhance the skills and health of their children. These apps… -
Short Trend Summary
Parenting apps are becoming popular to help with various tasks, including scheduling and mental health, as people are more open to using apps for various aspects of their daily life.
App-Based Parenting- Family & Parenting
- Health & Wellness
- Lifestyle
Parenting apps are becoming popular to help with various tasks, including scheduling and mental health, as people are more open to using apps for various aspects of their daily life.
- N/A
TREND HUNTER - Trend Report...App-Based Parenting
Parenting apps are becoming popular to help with various tasks, including scheduling and mental health, as people are more open to using apps for various… -
Short Trend Summary
Gen Z and Millennials are seeking alternative therapies like expressive art, music therapy, and art journaling to work on themselves. Writing therapy, expressive art activities, music therapy, journal writing prompts, and art journal therapy have seen increases in interest.
Alternative Therapies- Family & Parenting
- Health & Wellness
- Lifestyle
Gen Z and Millennials are seeking alternative therapies like expressive art, music therapy, and art journaling to work on themselves. Writing therapy, expressive art activities, music therapy, journal writing prompts, and art journal therapy have seen increases in interest.
- N/A
Pinterest - Predicts 2023Alternative Therapies
Gen Z and Millennials are seeking alternative therapies like expressive art, music therapy, and art journaling to work on themselves. Writing therapy, expressive art activities,…